The Scheme is designed and implemented to assist eligible candidates to gain overall competence in educational psychology practice so as to qualify for membership of the Division. The Membership Subcommittee shall process the application for enrolment in the Supervision Scheme and implement the Scheme according to the guideline approved by the Division Committee.
To be eligible for the Supervision Scheme, a candidate should:
- Be a Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society; and
Has satisfactorily completed a higher degree in educational or school psychology specified in the DEP’s Criteria for Membership Eligibility but with a supervised internship of more than 600 hours and less than 1200 hours.
Duration of supervised internship
The duration of the internship depends on the discrepancy between the hours of supervised internship covered in the relevant higher degree programme and the minimum hours of such internship required for membership of the Division. The Scheme should be completed within one year of enrolment in the Scheme. A minimum of one hour formal supervision for every 40 hours of school practice is required for the whole duration.
Work setting
The candidate shall specify the work setting of his/her supervised internship when applying to the Supervision Scheme. The placement setting is subject to the approval of the Membership Subcommittee of the Division.
Qualifications of supervisors
Supervisors for the Supervision Scheme should:
- Be eligible for membership of the Division; and
Have worked as an educational or school psychologist for at least three years on a full time basis, or its equivalence; and - Be appointed subject to the approval of the Membership Subcommittee of the Division.
Duties of supervisors
The supervisor shall:
- Oversee the work of the candidate and provide a minimum of one hour? formal supervision for every 40 hours of school practice by the candidate;
Submit an interim report and a final report to the Membership Subcommittee of the Division.
Completion of the Supervision Scheme
Upon the completion of the Supervision Scheme, the Membership Subcommittee of the Division will review the reports submitted by the supervisor and decide if the candidate has satisfactorily completed the Scheme. Candidates deemed to have satisfactorily completed the Scheme shall be eligible for membership of the Division.
Application Procedures
Individuals who want to apply for the Scheme should read the Guidelines for the DEP Supervision Scheme carefully before they make the application. They need to send in the following documents to the coordinator, Dr. Shui-fong Lam, via e-mail (lamsf@hku.hk):
- Application form with all the information and their signature.
- Supervisor statement with their supervisor’s signature.
- Approval of the organization that allows for their internship. The approval is only valid with the official chop from this organization.
- Transcripts of their bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in educational psychology.
- A curricular vitae of their supervisor.